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    Terms and Conditions

    Refund Policy

    • To cancel your appointment, you need to inform the spa at least 4 hours prior to your booking.
    • If the cancellation is made 4 hours prior to your booking, you will be entitled for a refund.
    • Refunds take up to 5 business days to be processed by the bank.
    • Any products purchased through our booking portal and in all Spa locations cannot be refunded.
    • Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment.
    • Refunds can take up to 10 business days to be processed by the bank.
    • Gift cards are not refundable.

    Privacy Policy

    Privacy is very important to Jazz Lounge Spa. This Privacy Policy applies to information that Jazz Lounge Spacollects or that you provide to Jazz Lounge Spa about you through your use of Jazz Lounge Spa website This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, access, hold, use and disclose thisinformation. This Privacy Policy does not pertain to information collected in any other manner or offline. Forpurposes of this Privacy Policy, “Personal Information” means individually identifiable information about you.

    All credit/debit cards details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties. The Website Policies and Terms & Conditions may be changed or updated occasionally to meet the requirements and standards. Therefore, the Customers’ are encouraged to frequently visit these sections in order to be updated about the changes on the website. Modifications will be effective on the day they are posted.

    Cancellation & Replacement Policy

    To cancel or amend your appointment, you need to inform the spa at least 4 hours prior to your booking. · Late cancelation or no shows cannot be refunded but will be credited to your account.

    Governing Law and Jurisdiction

    Any purchase, dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this website shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of UAE.

    Collecting Data

    Jazz Lounge Spa collects certain information from you and your use of the Site. By using the Site, or by providing Personal Information to Jazz Lounge Spa, you consent to Jazz Lounge Spa’s collection, storage, use, disclosure, sharing and processing of your Personal Information and other data as described in this Privacy Policy.

    When you register for the Site, subscribe to newsletters or other communications from Jazz Lounge Spa, orwhen you send us emails or other communications (such as by filling out a form on the Site), you providePersonal Information to Jazz Lounge Spa potentially including, but not limited to, your name, address, zipcode, email address, and phone number, and, if applicable, payment information.While you are on the Site, we automatically track information related to your use of the Site. This informationmay include, among other things, URL tracking information, information about your browser, your IP address,any files you download or view, your path through the Site, the date, time and frequency you spend accessingthe Site and the length of time you spend reviewing certain features. We may also track usage throughcookies. A cookie is a small data file written to a user’s hard drive. Cookies may be used, among other things,to allow automated log-in and may contain information such as a login ID or other information about yourpreferences or Internet use. For purposes of this Privacy Policy, except as otherwise required by applicablelaw, Personal Information will not be deemed to include (i) information passively collected through the Site or(ii) aggregate or combined information (including information that relates to you but that does not specificallyidentify you).

    Using Your Information

    Jazz Lounge Spa uses the information we collect to improve our marketing and promotional efforts, tostatistically analyze usage of the Site, to improve our content and offerings on the Site, and to customize thecontent and layout of the Site. In addition, Jazz Lounge Spa may use your Personal Information and otherinformation that we collect from your use of the Site (including any emails or other communications you maysend us) to provide you with services, for troubleshooting and maintenance, to communicate with you aboutyour account, and to offer you products and services. Your information (including Personal Information) will beused for internal purposes and to provide you with information (including but not limited to information aboutproducts or services) that may be of interest to you. We may use your information to deliver information that, insome cases, is targeted to your interests, such as targeted banners, new services and promotions. We mayuse your email address, mailing address or phone number to contact you regarding administrative notices. Inaddition, your information may be added to a Jazz Lounge Spa special promotions mailing list (of which youmay opt-out) in order to provide you with information about Jazz Lounge Spa products and special offers fromJazz Lounge Spa.

    Jazz Lounge Spa reserves the right to disclose your information (including your Personal Information) when wehave reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal actionagainst someone who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) JazzLounge Spa’s rights or property, or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities. Jazz Lounge Spa mayalso disclose your information (including your Personal Information) if a Site or other policy violation hasoccurred or to enforce the Jazz Lounge Spa Terms and Conditions of Use. If Jazz Lounge Spa is involved inany merger, acquisition, sale of company assets, transition of service to another provider, or insolvency,bankruptcy or receivership, we reserve the right to transfer your information (including your PersonalInformation) in connection with such transaction.

    Jazz Lounge Spa cooperates with law enforcement agencies in identifying those who use the Site for illegalactivities. Therefore, Jazz Lounge Spa responds to subpoenas, warrants or other court orders regardinginformation concerning any users. We will, at our discretion, disclose information if we believe we are requiredto do so by law, believe that such disclosure is necessary to protect us from legal liability or believe we need todo so to protect someone’s safety or the integrity of the Site.

    You may opt-out of email marketing communications from Jazz Lounge Spa by either (i) clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link provided in the applicable marketing email and following the directions provided, or (ii) contacting us through the information provided below in “Contact Us”. Note that even if you opt-out, Jazz Lounge Spa reserves the right to contact you in the event of a service or safety notification or to respond to your communications with us.

    The Site is generally not intended for use by children, and no Site features involve the collection of PersonalInformation regarding children. We do not knowingly solicit nor collect any Personal Information about childrenunder the age of 13 nor market to them. If a child has provided us with Personal Information, a parent orguardian of that child may contact us to have the information deleted from our records. To do so, contact JazzLounge Spa through the information provided below in the “Contact Us” section.

    The Site may contain links to websites owned by other companies. Jazz Lounge Spa does not control orendorse and is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites or third parties to whom you may linkfrom the Site or Mobile Apps. In addition, this Privacy Policy is not intended to describe data handlingprocedures for information collected by other linked websites or business partners.